First Pics of the Ranch
These pics were taken the day after I looked at the Ranch the first time. I really did love it. This was during the last week of March 2024.

Standing at the gate looking south.

Standing at the gate and looking at the ridge.

Walking along the road and looking west.

Looking southwest from the road.

Looking west northwest, there was a storm out on the valley floor.

There's a red reflector right in the front of the pic, and a line of blue flags marking the approximate lot line.

This is looking up the valley.

The driveway headed up the ridge.

From the road, the big greenhouse is almost completely hidden. Right in the middle of the pic you can see the frame between a couple of trees. This is with a 500mm won't see that with the naked eye.

Not sure what the name of this mountain is, looks like there was a fire not long ago. The saddle of land in the foreground is where my lot line runs back to the back side of the ridge.

Fully zoomed in to Mr. Mountain.

Some rough area on my land.

In the gap between the green trees in front of the red bushes you can see a couple of the fence posts marking the back of my land.